Roland Madrigal

Primary Counselor
Roland Madrigal
Role(s) Primary Counselor
Language(s) English
Education Bachelor of Science in Psychology specialization: Clinical, Counseling, I/O Psychology & Special Education) Certificate in Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment from Adamson University Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology can. from De La Salle University

Roland is an experienced counselor with educational and training background in Psychology and Counseling Psychology. With over a decade of valuable experience in the field of Mental Health and Pastoral Care for teenagers, he possesses a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding adolescent well-being. Roland has worked extensively with students, teachers, schools, parents, and fellow mental health professionals, addressing concerns related to Depression, Anxiety, Suicide & Self-harm, and various psychosocial issues.

Before specializing in addiction counseling, Roland held positions as a Rehab Support, Support Group Moderator, Life Skills Adviser, and School Counselor. He approaches his work with a genuine passion for mental health, multicultural understanding, education, and addiction recovery, striving to make a positive impact in these areas. Roland is well-versed in evidence-based therapy practices and possesses a versatile skill set that includes counseling, skill training program development, psychological measurement, and public speaking. Through his dedication, he actively promotes mental health awareness and provides support to diverse communities.

During his leisure time, Roland enjoys indulging in fiction literature, listening to stand-up and podcasts, watching classics and indies, powerlifting, and looking for his next good meal.