Psychotherapy for Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, and Trauma

Psychotherapy, also known as individual counseling, is a type of mental health treatment in which a person meets with a qualified therapist in a private setting to discuss their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The goal of individual counseling is to help the person better understand and manage their emotions, improve their relationships, and achieve their personal goals.


During individual counseling sessions, the therapist will listen actively and non-judgmentally to the person and help them explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment. The therapist may use various techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to help the person identify and change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior.

Benefits of Counseling and Why We Use it at Horizon Rehab Center

Individual counseling is an important part of substance abuse treatment because it provides a space for clients to address the underlying causes of their substance use or behavioral addiction and develop healthy coping skills. Addiction often occurs as a way for individuals to cope with difficult emotions or situations, and individual counseling can help them identify and address these issues in a more constructive way.

During individual counseling sessions, clients will work with a therapist to explore the factors that contribute to their addiction and develop strategies for managing their cravings and avoiding relapse. They may also work on improving their self-esteem, building healthy relationships, and developing healthy coping skills to manage stress and other challenges.

Individual therapy is also an important part of helping clients overcome past trauma. At Horizon, we understand that providing a safe environment for clients feel comfortable to share their past experiences is paramount to a healthy recovery. We have a highly skilled team of trauma therapists to help clients work through their issues in a safe, clinical setting here in Thailand.

Overall, individual counseling can be a crucial component of addiction, dual diagnosis, and trauma treatment, helping individuals to better understand and address the root causes of their addiction and other concerns and to develop the skills they need to maintain long-term recovery.

What to Expect During a Counseling Session

During a counseling session, you will be in a private setting with your therapist who is trained to listen and help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so they can better understand how these issues have contributed to your active addiction. The therapist will create a safe and supportive environment where you can feel comfortable discussing sensitive or personal issues.

Here are some things you might expect during a counseling session:

Our therapist will listen actively and non-judgmentally to what you have to say. They may ask you questions to better understand your perspective and help you clarify your thoughts and feelings, and why you came to treatment.

You and the therapist will work together to set goals for your counseling sessions and your time in treatment. These goals might include improving your relationships, managing your emotions, or making changes to your thoughts or behaviors, to better manage life in recovery.

You can expect to be treated with respect and compassion during your counseling sessions. The therapist will respect your privacy and confidentiality and will not share your personal information without your consent. This provides an additional resource outside of group therapy where you may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues.

At Horizon Rehab Center you can expect to have a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts and feelings and work towards your recovery goals with the help of a trained and compassionate addiction therapist.